Sunday 9 November 2014

Narrowing locations for the shoot

These are the locations that we first started off with at the beginning of the planning and we still want to shoot in these places to communicate our political views in our music video. We as a group want to portray the luxurious life that capitalism offers to certain people who can afford to live that lifestyle but on the other half of the song, we want to expose the reality that lies behind capitalism and the native outcome to certain people like homeless children, adults and less fortunate people. We believe that religious places, highly modern architecture, prestigious buildings are representations of capitalism. We are not planning to use only locations to communicate the negative outcome of capitalism, we are also going to focus on other big issues that our world is currently facing like; climate change, landfill, war and conflict. We many not be eligible to use our own footage for war and conflict or climate change therefore we may have to use secondary input from the internet, newspapers and experts.

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