Tuesday 25 November 2014

Music video update

Yesturday, at around 3:30pm, we decided to go to "Saint Pauls cathedral" to do some practice shots. This consisted of shots of the cathedral, shots using ourselves as models so that the audience gets the idea of what we are trying to reflect, and we also began to use "Time lapse" as we believe this will fit with our music video and ideas the best as we want to reflect a change of time and society, as a result we believe this technique does it the best.

The duration of this session lasted around 2 hours as we took quite a lot of footage, especially as we wanted different times of the day as well, I.E day and night. One of our shots consists of us standing on "Millennium bridge" during the night time and we use distortion of the lights to resemble untold truth.

All the footage we took will be uploaded as soon as possible.

We also did some filming at "Shorditch" where we found loads of shots and locations that we can use, one thing i'm referring to in particular is a wall we found that had graphite on it which said "Extortion" and we used this to our advantage by placing a model in-front of the graphite and testing out different camera angles in order to frame the model successfully.

This footage will also be uploaded as soon as possible.

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