Friday, 27 February 2015

Update - Making the Video

In around the middle of our video we put in a screen grab we made of editing a photo in Photoshop using Quicktime, this was to communicate the idea of society constructing ideology that become aspirations and definitions of for example beauty. The text above the original and the fake represent our target audience who go against the ideas of a capitalistic society verses the world we live in now, suggesting that we are in an ongoing battle.

So far we believe our concept is being portrayed well despite our video being a montage, as you can see by the purple bits, we still have quite a few gaps to fill but we have good progress.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Update - Editing

We made a fake magazine cover to put into our magazine suggesting the construction of beauty made by society. We added a question in order to make our audience challenge this and realise the false representation of beauty.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Update - Shooting

Thursday 29th January
Location: Studio

We did some more shooting last Thursday. It was for the beginning of the video, the location was in a studio where we shot the set up of a news report to show the idea that capitalism is constructed and they are fake as well as highlighting the government's mediation of the media. We believe we got very good footage and as we have been editing the shots fit very smoothly.